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Program of study 2017-2021

  1. Organization
  2. First year
    1. Semester 1 (Fall) in Nantes
    2. Semester 2 (Spring) in Nantes
    3. Semester 2 (Spring) in Brussels
  3. Second year
    1. Semester 3 (Fall)
    2. Semester 4 (Spring)


A program on two years full-time. 

The typical trajectory of a student who follows the track "ORO" is:




First year

Semester 1 (Fall) in Nantes

All scientific courses are given in French.
• Compulsory courses from the core curriculum:

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
X1II010 Graphes
Iréna Rusu (U Nantes) 24 2
X1II030 Complexité et algorithmes
Complexity and Algorithms                                    
Guillaume Fertin (U Nantes)       24 2
 X1II040  Anglais scientifique
Scientific English 1
Laurie Labarbe (U Nantes) 20 2


• Compulsory courses from the track "Optimization in Operations Research (ORO)":

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
X1I2010 Optimisation discrète et combinatoire
Discrete and Combinatorial Optimization       
Xavier Gandibleux (U Nantes),
Anthony Przybylski (U Nantes)

X1I2020 Graphes II et Réseaux
Graphs II and Networks
Iréna Rusu (U Nantes) 24
X1I2030 Métaheuristiques
Xavier Gandibleux (U Nantes)     24
X1I2IMT Optimisation non-linéaire
NonLinear Optimization
Alexandre Goldsztejn (CNRS) 24 3
X1MS010 Analyse des données
Data Analysis
Lise Bellanger (U Nantes)  32 3
X1II020 Langages de programmation de haut-niveau        
High-level Programming Languages         
Didier Robbes (U Nantes) 
24 3


• Optional courses from the core curriculum; a total of 3 credits chosen from the following:

Option 1:

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
 X1II050  Communication, connaissance de l'entreprise.       
Introduction to Entrepreneurship         
Olivier Godard (U Nantes)  12 2
X1II060 Introduction à la recherche
Introduction to Research                           
Claude Jard (U Nantes)               12 1


 Option 2:

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
 X1LI010  Management à visée innovante et entrepreunariale
                        .                        12 2



Semester 2 (Spring) in Nantes

Some scientific courses are given in English.


• Compulsory courses from the core curriculum:

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
 X2II010  Apprentissage automatique                                 
Machine Learning
Colin De la Higera (U Nantes)    24 2
X2II020 Fouille de données
Data Mining
Julien Blanchard (EPUN) 24 2
X2II030 Compilation 
Mourad Oussalah (U Nantes) 24 2
X2II040 Ethique et numérique
Chantal Enguehard (U Nantes).   12 2
X2II050 Travail d'étude et de recherche
Research Project
- semester 10
   X2II060   Anglais pour la communication scientifique . 10 2


• Compulsory courses from the track "Optimization in Operations Research (ORO)":

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
  X2I2010   Programmation par Contraintes                           
Constraint Programming 
Eric Monfroy (U Angers)              24 4


• Options courses from the core curriculum; a total of 6 credits chosen from the following:

Option 1 (optimization):

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
  X2I3010   Programmation multi-coeurs                               
Multicore Programming
Matthieu Perrin (U Nantes) 24 3
X2I3020 Ingénierie de la décision
Decision Engineering
Evgeny Gurevsky (U Nantes)        24 3


Option 2 (software):

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
  X2I4010   Systèmes temps réel embarqués.                
Embedded Real-time systems                              
  Audrey Queudet (U Nantes)     24 3
X2I4020 Ingénierie des réseaux
Network Engineering
  Salima Hamma (U Nantes)         24 3


Option 3 (data):

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
  X2I5010   Modèles probabilistes
Probabilistic models
Colin De la Higera (UNantes) 24 3
X2I5020 Interaction et applications
Interaction and applications                                 
Matthieu Perreira da Silva (EPUN) 24 3

• Available courses from the core curriculum:
code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
 X2MC050  Optimisation déterministe et stochastique
Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization           
François Jauberteau (U Nantes).   64 0
X1LA010 Anglais Préparation TOEIC
- 0 0
X2II090 Stage d'été
Summer Internship
- 0 0



Semester 2 (Spring) in Brussels

All courses are given in English. Each erasmus student has to select courses, scheduled on spring semester, for a total of 30 ECTS among the list available here (master 1, option "Optimization and Algorithms").


Module Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits 
Optimization Continuous Optimization    
Bernard Fortz 48 5
Optimization Combinatorial Optimization Michael Poss 48
Optimization Heuristic Optimization Thomas Stuetzle 60
Computational Intelligence Statistical Fundation of Machine Learning     Gianluca Bontempi      48 5
Computational Intelligence Techniques of Artificial Intelligence Hugues Bersini 36 5
Computational Intelligence Swarm Intelligence Marco Dorigo 60 5
Core Curriculum Computing Project (see here) Mauro Birattari 150 5

Second year

Semester 3 (Fall)

Total of 264hours. All lectures are organized at Nantes and given in English.

code Course
Hours (CM|TD|TP) ECTS credits
X3IO050 Large Scale Optimisation             
Marc Sevaux (UBS), André Rossi (U Paris-Dauphine)
24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IO080 Multi-Objective Optimization   Anthony Przybylski (U Nantes) 24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IO010 Multi-Objective MetaHeuristics  Xavier Gandibleux (U Nantes) 24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IO030 Global Optimisation Laurent Granvilliers (U Nantes) 24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IOM10 Global Constraints  Nicolas Beldiceanu (IMT-A) 24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IO020 Advanced Constraint Programming Eric Monfroy (U Angers) 24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IO040 Optimization in Robotics Christophe Jermann (U Nantes), Alexandre Goldsztejn (CNRS) 24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IOM30 Transportation and Logistics Fabien Lehuédé (IMT-A) 24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IOM20 Planning and Scheduling Odile Morineau (IMT-A)  24 (12|12|00) 3
X3IO060 Algorithmics in Genomics             Irena Rusu (U Nantes), Guillaume Fertin (U Nantes) 24 (12|12|00) 2
X3IO070 Conferences
Quentin Tonneau (Artelys, Nantes), 
Frédéric Gardi (Innovation24, Paris), 
Damien Blanchon (IBM, Paris)
24 (00|24|00) 1


Semester 4 (Spring)

The master thesis may be prepared in English.

code Course - Period ECTS credits


  - Master Thesis (track research)    
  - internship (track application)
(min) 5 months
       February 1      
(min) June 30



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